Tuesday, August 2, 2022


 My mother passed away last week.  

Of course I knew this day would come as death is a part of life; none of us get a pass.  I've tried to prepare myself for the loss, the grief, and the finality of things.  I knew that 'that' phone call would come eventually.  What I was not anticipating nor prepared for was the grief I would experience for my father, for his immeasurable loss.  The love of a spouse after 69 years of marriage is like none other.  

As I drove home from my parents' house, I drove in silence for about the first hour and a half, deep in my own thoughts, processing everything that happened and contemplating life and death.  When I finally decided to put the radio on, I did some searching as I was in the middle of nowhere Florida and did not get too many radio signals.  It was Sunday morning in the south so much of what was on was sermons or Christian music.  I settled on a station playing gospel songs and initally got lost in my own thoughts again. 

After about a minute of being lost in thought, my brain picked up on the lyrics of a song that was playing.  Friends, God's. Timing. Is. Perfect.  

The song I heard was one I had never heard before; the lyrics left me speechless. 

Earth's toiling ended, oh glorious dawning
Beyond the sunset when day is done
Should you go first and I remain to walk the road alone
I'll live in memory's garden dear with happy days we've known
In spring I'll watch for roses red, when fades the lilac blue
And in early fall when brown leaves fall, I'll catch a glimpse of you
Should you go first and I remain, to finish with the scroll
No lengthening shadows shall creep in to make this life seem droll
We've known so much of happiness, and we've had our cup of joy
But memory is one gift of God that death cannot destroy.
Should you go first and I remain, for battles to be fought
Each thing you've touched along the way, will be a hallowed spot
I'll hear your voice and I'll see your smile and though blindly I may grope
The memory of your helping hand will buoy me on with hope
Should you go first and I remain, one thing I'd have you do.
Walk slowly down that long, long path, for soon I'll follow you
And I'd want to know each step you take that I may walk the same
For someday down that lonely road, you'll hear me call your name
Beyond the sunset, oh glad reunion
With our dear loved ones, who've gone before
In that fair homeland, we'll know no parting
Beyond the sunset for ever more

You can listen to the song, Beyond the Sunset HERE. 

Woven in between the sadness, there is so much beauty in this song.  The love this person has for their spouse is immeasurable.  This couple knows they will see each other again.  They know there is a Heaven and they know that they will go there.  

But How? you might ask.  Death is real.  Death is permanent.  You may hope you have done enough good things in your life but how can we be certain we will go to Heaven?

But GOD.  God sent Jesus to redeem us from our sins.  There is life after death with Jesus, our Savior.  

Friends, if you are not sure you are going to Heaven, if you are not sure that you will be with your spouse in Heaven, now is the time to consider this.  Don't count on good works.  Don't assume you will make the cut because you are a good person.  And goodness, don't think it would be cool to end up in hell with all of your partying friends.  There will be no partying in hell.  The only path to Heaven is faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.  

Confess your sins.  Call out to Him.  Seek out a pastor.  Read a Bible.  Pray. 

John 3:16- For this is how God loved the world; He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.  

Ephesians 2:8-9- For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not through yourselves; it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. 

Don't wait until it is too late friends. Jesus died for you.  Seek Him out.  Make Him Lord of your life.  And know that you will be spending eternity in Heaven. 

Lee Ann


  1. Thank you for sharing. Right now, this was comforting.

  2. I just came across this, Lee Ann. Thank you for sharing this lovely tribute to your beautiful Mom. Heaven and Hell are very real places, and each and every person WILL spend their eternity in one or the other. Thanks for reminding me to cherish my Mama.


Thank you for keeping your comments kind.